Poker Tips

Poker Tips

  1. 2012-10-12 12:39:55

    The Rarity of Bluff Raising on the River

    Poker is a game where playing it simple will pay greater dividends over the long-term.

    It takes quite a while to get used to this fact, and people are often influenced by things like televised High Stakes poker, or by watching an online coach destroying four-tables of $5/10 Six Max Cash with a VPIP of 55%.

    This is why the rocks do so well in the game. It???s a given that they are not going to set poker single table tournaments alight, but they can eek out a steady profit by playing it simple.

    In reality, it is not just the rocks that are playing it steady. After a few heavy losses, players soon pull themselves in line.

    With this in mind, let???s focus on the rare act of bluff raising on the river.You are not going to encounter this move often, and if you do it will generally be against a very good opponent. So, if players are not bluff-raising that often, how can we take advantage?

    The best time to take advantage of this knowledge is when you and your opponent end up at the river, and you believe that they have missed their draw. You are also sat with a busted draw and so to win the pot you just need to make a small bet.

    Hopefully, by laying out the groundwork you can see that it is unlikely that you will be bluff raised, and it is also unlikely you will be called by ace or king high, especially at the lower stakes.

    By adjusting your bet size on the lower end of the scale, you lose less when called and it also seems like a value bet from the eyes of your opponent.

    Did you enjoy reading this article? Find more like it on the Betfair poker news website.

    Posted by KCasey at 2012-10-12 12:39:55

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