Nick Lane Talks Poker
Thoughts on poker, life, and everything
2007-12-20 06:07:10
Strategy: Squeeze Play in Tournament Poker
So your probably thinking squeeze play,what is that? Well the definition, would be your in middle to late position. An aggressive player to the right of you raises 2.5 or 3 times the big blind. The next player thinks about it and calls cause he knows that this player can be stealing then the next player folds. You pick up let's say
and your table image is very solid and tight. You either re-raise all in or just put out a very stiff raise to tell the other players, don't mess with me here I mean business. I am going to explain why this is a very good tournament move and why it can be very effective in the later stages of a tournament.
Wsop 2004 Final Table
If you watch the final table of the 2004 main event you would see Dan Harrington do the "squeeze play" I believe he had 52 off suit and got the to other players to fold. With Josh Arieh raising on the button with K9 and Greg Raymer called with A7 or so. How about we go and take a look at table image.
Table Image
How to keep them guessing on your image, is NEVER show your cards when your playing with strangers do not give them free information. Unless, you have to show down and if you are in showdowns and you only show premium hands then you have a tight table image. But if you are raising quite a bit and not showing the best hands your opponents will give you less credit if you try and bully them out with a not so stellar hand.
Where This Play Works
Here is a situation when the squeeze play would work perfect. You are in middle position under the gun folds the next player (very aggressive player) Raises you notice, during the tournament that he does this quite often. The player next to him recognizes that and calls his raise with a semi premium hand. The next player folds and now it is up to you. You pickup 57 off suit now your not looking at your cards and saying "57 off suit I Immediately fold" it is recognition that you have a tight solid table image. Your opponents know that you mean business in your pots that you enter. With this in mind you re raise a really big amount. For example, let's say the blinds are 20,000 & 40,000 the aggressor makes it 120,000 to go and the other player calls you would make it somewhere between 350,000 or 425,000. The aggressor would fold because he knows that he just got his hand caught in the cookie jar. Player B would fold because he knows that you just put out a stiff re-raise with 2 players that have already acted. More times than not that means a very strong hand.
Food for Thought
That is why table image is very important with this move this is a very advanced play that you should pay very close attention on what kind of players you are dealing with. When making this play, cause it could burn you very bad if the move is made in the wrong situation.
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