PokerSoup Forums > General > Cheating


    • avatar for Luke
    • What do you guys think of software like this site sells...

      I haven't a clue if its actually real or you buy 49 dollars worth of BS. I didn't think it would be this easy for the average Joe
      to do something like this. Does anybody know if this crap works? I'll never play again online if this works and is prevalent.

    • avatar for WeezerMoo
    •'s a scam

    • avatar for grammonyea
    • looks like a total ripoff but actually my cousin got this from this same site and says he's making a killing at it. not as much as they say on the site but he does say hes making like thousands of dollars every week at it and it does work if you stick with it. he is going to send me a copy to try for myself but I haven't got it yet. he says its different then you think and its kinda hard to get good at and keep using but if you do just right it will work and make lots of profit. i cant vouch for this myself cus i never tried it but that is what he says and that is all i know at this point.

    • avatar for Jason M
    • My first thought was "scam" then I looked closer. Evidently it's just instructions on "how to game the system" or something. I doubt it is anything like packet sniffing or ultra cool technological stuff. It's probably just a guide on how to "crush" single table tournaments. Thanks for the article, Parag. Somebody needs to just drop the $50 to buy it and let us know what it is :p If I had more time, I would...

    • avatar for Luke
    • Yes great article, Thank you. And its interesting that your cousin figured it out gramm. It would be nice to know whats out there and whats possible cuz if gramms cousin is doing it then there may be many many people with this advantage out there. Not sure Im gonna pull the trigger on this but i'd hate to think us non-cheaters are at a disadvantage.

    • avatar for Jason M
    • My guess is it is just a strategy guide of how to play in a game/tournament where the fish ratio is high. And maybe some guides on game selection and other tools that you can use (like PokerTracker). Most likely it's not actually cheating. Still might be worth $50 to take a look :)

    • avatar for Luke
    • Gramm, maybe you could ask your cousin for more details and let us know? It says ?There exists a way to cheat when you play poker online so you always know the hole cards of the majority of hands at the table.? Maybe your cousin can clarify for us?

    • avatar for Mr. Segan
    • So yesterday while playing at Huggins poker, I found some insight on this Cheating stuff. So, if you make the $50 investment, you really get a e-book (like an instruction manual). In short, they tell you to get 5 computers and this software called "idblocker" (to block your ip-address). So, you log onto 5 computers with 5 different Full Tilt/PS (where you play) ids. If you are playing a 9 players sit-n-go, you are 5 of the 9 players on the table. How could you lose? Guaranteed, when you use this strategy, very unlikely that you will be playing a $10 sit-n-go, lol

      There you go. That's the secret to winning!

    • avatar for Krishna
    • Stars uses account names and betting patterns to detect cheating schemes like chip dumping.
      So blocking IP is not very effective.

    • avatar for Luke
    • That makes sense. it also makes sense that these guys would get busted. It seems like it would be easy to spot the same names always playing the same table. I'm guessing though that no investigation would take place unless someone complained. I mainly play one table games now and I'm always on the look out for the same names. I'm gonna look even closer now. Thanks for the info!