All Leagues
The San Francisco and San Jose Bay Area Poker Meetup Group
Welcome to the SF Meetup group, organized by Bert. We welcome all players experienced or not. This group is for people who love to play the game of poker in a non-threatening atmosphere while meeting new people.
The Poker Nazi's Game
Welcome to the Poker Nazi's home league. ---- Players compete for points over a season's worth of tournaments. First place in each tournament gets the same number of points as there are players in the tournament, last place gets 1 point. Rebuys penalize you 4 points, and each bounty you get is worth 1 point. ---- Saturday deeeeep stack tournaments are worth double points!
Vancouver Poker Tour
This brand new league in the Vancouver area welcomes players of all skill levels. Our goal is to create a fun environment in which players compete for tournament prizes as well as entry into the end-of-the-season free roll tournament. Contact the league administrator for more information.
Huggins Poker
Milpitas Area Poker Group
Welcome! Meet local poker faces and test your hand against us in Texas Hold'em low-stakes tournaments and cash games. This group is for people who love to play the game of poker in a non-threatening atmosphere while meeting new people. You must be 21 or older to join.
PokaPowa Donkey Club
Just our monthly home game...
this is a league set up for SAT/FRI and holiday CASH/TOURNEYS in fremont. acceptance is done only if the player is well known and participated in a tourney with one of the fellow players that I know well and trust thus ensuring no fishy situations.
3rd Saturday - Cherry Hill
Friendly game for fun and laughs. $20 buy-in. NL Texas-holdem. Target time 3.5 hours. 1 point for KO position (ex. if you are KO'd 1st you get 1 point, if you are KO'd 2nd you get 2 points, and so on). Extra1/2 point per person you KO. Championship in November. December off. Sometimes there is a second $10 game (does not count toward championship points)
Gold Rush Buddies
The Sacramento Area poker fans
Mountan View Poker
Home Game Lets see what happens
Coachella Valley Poker Superstars
Season 2 is starting and games are now on Monday nights on Full Tilt at 8:00!
Huck Finn River
Caps Poker League
ACT poker
Stac Series Of POker
Elwood Poker League
La Ligue des 3 AS
Northern Michigan Poker League
This is a Texas Hold em Poker league created by Peter O'Toole to help promote charity poker rooms in Northern Michigan.
D3 League
Bull Park Poker League
The Bull Park poker League
Liverpool Poker League
We host a home game twice a month on average, around every two weeks. The game is a $55 NL Hold`em Buyin Tournament. We pay the top 4 or 5 places, depending on the amount of entries. Our group swings between 20-30 players averaging out at 26. We have some very good players, some wanna-be pros, some amateurs, some that have no clue what they are doing (and usually take down huge pots), and mostly average players.
Pine City Hall Monthly Game
Morrison Casino Resort and Spa
Lenny's Garage
We have a group of 24-30 year old guys who like to get together and play poker Friday nights from around 9:30pm until the early hours of Saturday
Palm Valley Community Center
FAD Poker League
Rick's House Poker Nights
Do or Die League
Provo Donks
Faux's thursday homies
NW Sin City Poker League
NW Sin City Poker league will be hosting at least one home game per week. Most weeks will have multiple tournaments. Most poker tournaments will be NL texas hold'em. Buy-ins will very tournament to tournament from 5$ to 35$. All types of tournaments will be used from knockouts, bountys, freezeouts, and re-buy+add-ons. All players are welcome to request different types of tournaments to be played and will be able to invite guest and bring friends to join the league. Call (702)624-3840 and ask for Derek-League manager for further details.
poker tuesday
Kayaking Poker League
??5 in game of poker on Wednesday nights at a kayakers house. Organized by Finn Mainstone
2010 WSOP Satellite Tournaments
Jammer Time
Chesterfield Poker Players
know when 2 foldem
Baltoi Poker Tour
Ycarlos Home Game
damionkline's league
Jack Deuce is the Nuts
Harrisburg Poker League
Gator Blood Poker Club
Teddy KGB: "Hanging around, hanging around. Kid's got alligator blood. Can't get rid of him." ("Rounders", 1998)
WNC Poker
KT Hotel Casino
G Spot Poker League
bid_ raise_fold_poker
Kung Fu Poker Club
Triple B Poker
Citrus Heights, Ca - Poker League, Monthly Games.
kens home league
Pokerclub Showdown
Pokerclub Showdown offene Vereinsmeisterschaft
CALL RAISE FOLD Is the only Bar poker league in Southern California where you can play your cards any way you like. with no fear of being chastized or bullied by anyone for your play. many locations , earn points got to the quarter finals and win a sponsership to local Wsop or casino tournaments.
Copperwood Poker Tour
Friday Night
Nevada Ladie's Poker Leauge
Southwest poker league
TNC Tuesday League
IPP Pavia
Etapa Series of Poker
Smokin Aces Poker Tour
Host poker charity tournaments for Foundation Fighting Blindness. First event is June 13, in Miami, FL. Event starts at noon and the winner receives a World Series Of Poker main event seat. Go to to register!
The Super Sunday League
Rab's New Poker league
Summer 2010
This is a casual poker league with a 10 player limit. Season is 12 weeks long - two league games played every other Saturday night. The buy-ins total $20 per week for the two league games.
Wednesday Night Poker League
Wednesday Night Poker League at Nicoles House in Parklands. Just a small social gathering with a small buy-in. Really just an excuse to get together and have a couple of drinks. Most of the players are at novice level so you dont have to feel pressured.
Utah County Poker Championships
Full Throttle
Kerry's Southern County League
Texas Hold-em with a few modifications for new and beginning Players. Semi weekly Games with a $5.00 Buy-in and short blind periods. Usually played on every other Sunday and have three Games. This is for People who want to learn and enhance their game.
my league
Poker Masters Club
WELCOME to the BAD BEAT CIRCUIT QLFR to Harveys Lake Tahoe in November. GOOD LUCK
Eagon Poker League
5 week poker league with a 6th final night 20 $per week 20$ league fee (goes to final) 6:45 starting time starts Oct 22 every other sat Oct 22,Nov 5,Nov 19,Dec 3,FRIDAY!!Dec 16 final Dec 31 6:45 DEC 16
The Fountain
Monday Night Amvets
Sneaky's Poker
$100 BUY-IN + $10 ENTRY FEE (5000 CHIPS) $50 RE-BUY (5000 CHIPS) $50 ADD-ON (7500 CHIPS)
Taber Poker Tour II
Rackem Holdem
Free Poker League, Specials on drafts, Home of the Sassy Bomb 2 Tournaments Every Thursday, 8:15pm and 10:30pm
WSOP Any Two Card Poker League
WSOP $1500 Satalite League
Zippomann's Poker League
POker Sikor
Home garage game, $20 tournaments with $5 knock out bounties. Cash game afterwards, .25/.50 blinds, max $50 buy in.
5 Tells Poker League
another test
United Nations
Avalon league
Nice People's Poker Club
Single Table Texas No Limit Hold Em Tournament. $100 Buy IN with no re-buys. We will play Wednesday nights, starting time will be 7pm.
St Clements WMC Poker League
Humboldt Poker League
AZ Five Star Poker League
The Good The Bad and The Ugly Poker League
Tacoma Donkfest
Champaign IL
UGA Poker Tour
BIG M Poker Social Club
Poker Players ! ??? Like many other avid poker players, over the last few years we have engaged in many home poker tournaments. A social, non profit gathering of friends & new players along the way have experienced many hours of good old fashion fun ! In 2010, I decided to get organised & produce a structured calendar of events for everyone to enjoy & thus the?????? ??? Twenty Ten *All In* Poker Tour ??? was established. ~ BIG M Poker Social Club ~ ??????????????????Poker All Year Long !?????????????????? ??????????????????Every Year !??????????????????
Dueces Wild
Corinth Wed. Night Poker
St. John's Home Game
Home game that happens every Saturday night in the St. John's Forest community. This page is to help organize the game, determine where it will be held and whether cash game or tournament will be played that night. In addition, tournament results will be kept here as well as points for the end of year freeroll.
ISPC Satellite
Tournament set up amongst several Indianapolis Poker Groups to send a small handful of player to the Indiana Stater Poker Championship on 8/20/2011
10 players
Rubber City Poker Club
Shock's East Valley Poker League
A poker league for players of all types!
Conos Poker Room
Club Pokeristi Anonimi
The Nelson Tinpot Pokerface League
bobbie poker tournament
Cajun Poker
Tailgaters Poker League - Gilbert, AZ
Tailgaters closed, this league is no longer active.
Dave's Cash Game in Redwood City
Lightning Strikes Poker
Texas -hold-em
Prinlaws Sunday League
Prinlaws Thursday League
Fife Series Of Poker
Pipe Dream Posse
Guido??s House Poker Tournament
alibi's poker league
Snooker Club
Cartes Club des Acadien
august free roll
TC Poker Tour
The Okies League
Glenrothes Snooker Club
Charlotte Poker Club
Joker Poker
Doc Holliday's Poker Challenge
South East Championship Poker
South East Championship Poker (SECP) is a place for fun competitive league style poker tournaments. We will be playing once a month. We will be keeping track of your finish VIA a point system. (see below in rules)
Xmas Poker Tour
Tapera do Bugio Series Of Poker
Temporada TBOSP 2013, com 12 etapas mensais, disputadas sempre nas primeiras quintas-feiras de cada m??s, pontualmente ??s 19:30.
NOCO Poker
BIPA 2013
Bluebell Poker League
A friendly Doncaster based poker league, playing twice a week a the Bluebell pub in Hatfield. New members always welcome.
Mottram/Singer Poker League
Friendly tourney for anyone from complete beginners to those who think they know what they are doing!
The Road To Genting
League Awesome
East Valley Poker League
Just a fun game once a month.
TNPL St Anne's Rock Ferry
1850 Classic
Friday night game.
Jayrays poker league
Welcome the the new poker league!
WSOP Farm League
Lucky Break
Mountain Donk Poker Crew
Our own home grown true to life poker donks based in Southern Vermont play hard and fast to win it all!
Hawts Poker League
For members of hawt to come and play poker!
Gamblers Anonymous
Gamblers Anonymous was designed as a monthly Texas Hold'em tournament with 12 month seasons. At the end of the season there will be a free roll tournament for the top ten placers during the season. Tournaments are typically held on the 3rd Saturday of each month excepting certain holidays and special events. League players will be ranked throughout the year based on where they placed in each tournament. At the end of 12 months the top ten will automatically be entered into our annual free-roll tournament. We are currently in the building phase so feel free to invite any players that wish to participate. League administrators: Dominic Weiler (714) 342-7769 Timothy Stevens (619) 318-5654
Logan boys
This league was designed as a monthly Texas Hold'em tournament with 12 month seasons. At the end of the season there will be a free roll tournament for the top ten placers during the season. We are currently in the building phase so feel free to invite any players that wish to participate. League administrators: Dominic Weiler (714) 342-7769 Timothy Stevens (619) 318-5654
The Fish Bowl
Lincoln park home poker league
Poker League of Champions
Ryde Social Club Poker League
Wednesday Night Poker - for those who want to enjoy a friendly game of poker with an outside chance of having a free evening out, (if you win)...
Big Poppa's Poker League
High Elite Rolling Poker Extreme S*T*A*R*S
Winchester Poker League
Sunday Special
Bell st Poker
2013/14 1st Annual Poker Douchery
Brig Tavern Friday Night Poker
Poker Friends
The Yanks
the yankys
Off-Suit Poker-Club
Kwaj Poker Nuts
Poker Fun for every one. come prepared for a crazy poker night. expect comments on your mom, your ethnic background, sexual preference of anything else under the sun. most of all come ready to have some fun :)
Poker Liga 2013/2014
WSP $300 buy in
Kings Of Poker K.O.P.
Welcome to K.O.P. Series,
We are going to have a tournament once a month at my house. We will try to change the tournaments around such as starting chip, turbo tournaments, no rebuys, no add ons, bounty, ect. We also will be taking 1/5 of the pot and put into a the prize pool for the "main event tournament" that will run every 6 months. We will have a point system for the whole series of tournaments. The point system and payout system will run like so...
Payouts (after we take the 1/5 out of the pot for the main event)
1st = 50% 2nd = 30% 3rd = 20%
this is the point system and its based off what place you come in and how many people are in every tournament.
EXAMPLE: 15 entrys
1st. = 15pt 2st. = 14pt. 3rd. = 13pt. 4th. = 12pt. 5th. = 11pt. 6th. = 10pt. 7th. = 9pt. 8th = 8pt.The reason for the points system is because when we get to the Main Event tournament, The person with the most point will get a free buy-in for the tournament, 2nd will pay haft, and 3rd will get 10 dollars off.
Poker Miami
Woooo hooooo tang
Old School Poker Tour
Royal British Legion,
Redtooth League Every Monday 7.30pm Shuffle Up & Deal
Beth Shalom
Mountain Donk Poker League
The Thursday Night Game
5th Street Poker League
Primetime Poker Philadelphia
Trofeo del Mazapegul
Torneio CAP - 2014
Fishers Poker Series
WELCOME TO THE HOME OF THE FISHERS POKERS SERIES! We have 12 tournaments, 4 cash games (no points), and a main event tourney at the end of each season. For detailed rules and explanations of the structure of our league please see the rules section.
Heritage Poker League
Proper Gangster Tripping Poker League
Footscray Poker League
poke her on Sunday
Poker Nazi's
Pit club poker league
Pit Club Poker League
Pit Club Poker League 2014 (test season)
Taking place at the Hatfield Main Pit Club in Stainforth, the PCPL will result in a grand final tournament every Xmas which will determine who is the champion!
Liga PokerKlub 2 | 10 Jogos + 1 grande final. (pote acumulado final: 250) Campe??o- peter alves
Good Luck All-In Poker League
Nice Pants Poker Tour
Chorley Pro
Liga UTG PokerKlub 3?? EDI????O (clicka para ver a geral)
3?? Liga UTG POKER KLUB REGULAMENTO & INFO DISPON??VEL NO GRUPO U.T.G.POKER KLUB DO FACEBOOK NA SEC????O ''FICHEIROS''. Potes acumulados: 10 + 15 + 15 + 15 + 15 + 10 + 15 + 10 + 15 + 10 !130 TOTAL
Sleepy Hour Poker Club
Summer London League
The Drivers League
Women's Poker League
Fun and social women's group in the San Fernando Valley/LA area
Kings Club Poker League
MSU Poker Club
Dempster House League
Cape Cod Poker Club
Cape Cod Poker Club+
The Clc poker League
First Street Card Club
#SeganPro is an online league that conducts tournaments and keeps track of the points to send players to WSOP.
Home Poker Series
Monthly Home game consisting of NLTH tourney, and if interest a cash game for those who bust out early. Average 2 tables in play, friendly atmosphere. Tournament Director software used. 2 decks of cards in play. Buy-In $50 ($40 immediate payout after game) ($5 for snacks) ($5 toward Player of Year points) Start: $5000 in chips and blinds start at $25/$50 for 30 minute levels.
Uncle Vinces' Poker League
South Sacramento Texas Holdem No Limit Cash Game
The Voyager Poker League
Poker Lounge
World Series
Pearland TGIF Tuesday Night Texas Holdem Poker
Pearland TGIF Tuesday Night Texas Holdem Poker Every Tuesday games at 7 pm and 10 pm. 7 PM Bounty chip winner - appetizer card ($8 dollar max value) 3rd - appetizer card ($8 dollar max value) 2nd $25 TGIF gift card 1st - $50 TGIF gift card 10 PM Game
MNF League
4??LIGA UTG 2014
INFO: OS JOGOS S??O SEMPRE AS 5??FEIRAS! - 5 jogos + 1 main event - 5 euros de inscri????o - 10 euros + 1 rake - 8000 fichas - Sem rebuys - 1 addon de 5000 fichas por 5 euros no final do 3 n??vel - 10 % do pote total da noite vai para o main event. - O vencedor da Liga recebe entrada + addon para a final - Os jogadores que terminarem em 2??,3?? e 4?? Lugar recebem a entrada. - Os restantes jogadores ter??o que comprar a entrada. MAIN EVENT: - 10000 Fichas iniciais - Blinds 30 minutos - 1 Addon de 5000 fichas por 10 euros no final do 3 n??vel. - Jogadores que n??o participem na liga e queiram jogar o main event ter??o que pagar 10 euros + o valor do pote dividido pelos 4 jogadores que ganharam bilhete.
ManCave Poker League
Intense Poker
Red Kings
Volta Redonda Holdem
Hunter's Creek Hold'em
Poker group getting together once a month for a little fun, food & drinks beginning at 7:00 P.M. Joining this poker group does not mean you have to host an event. There will be numerous members willing to host multiple times during the year. Texas Hold'em to begin at 7:30 P.M. with a $20 "buy in". Payout will be as follows: 1st Place 55%, 2nd Place 35% and 3rd Place receives 10% based on 10 players. This percentages will change with less than 10 players. All players attending will pay the host $10 to offset food & beverage. Following the Hold'em tournament there will be an optional dealer's choice table with a cash "buy in". Buy as many chips as you want and cash in when you're ready to leave. Chips will have actual cash value. Normal "buy in" is $10. No obligation to host so sign up now!
G??nie M??canique
Friday Night Poker
The Board
Poker In The Front
Scofflaw Poker
September - March League that plays avg. 2 saturdays a month (10-12 games)
Garage Poker Murphy Canyon
Tuesday Night Poker Club
Piranha Poker Team
Monday Night Poker
FT Pokerers
Raleigh Urban Poker League
The Raleigh Urban Poker League is a new and exciting poker league played at different bars in the Raleigh area. Patrons play free Texas Holdem Tournaments to win cash and prizes .
AceKillers Poker League
Regular Friday night games with league season til May
Blaack'$ Road 2 WSOP
Southfields Poker
Local Southfields Poker League
poker people
Hollow Mens
Turbo tourny
007 Poker
Poker night with friends
Dog and bone!
Free open tournament
A6 Hands
New Poker Group
The perfect amalgamation of the Thursday league, and the Pocker Dogs.
Poker At Mun
Paim Home League
I-480 Poker Tour
Snap Call Entertainment
The Lodge CG 2016
Plaza de Solaza Sommarpoker Deepstack
B W - Poker League
Bi-Weekly Poker league is a traveling league played every other week with a bunch of buddies staying in touch and having some laughs
Super Secret Poker League
tuesday poker league 2016
Poker Knights
All In Poker League
The All In Poker League is a free Entertainment League that helps the poker community, educating new players. The All In Poker League is a fun and free way to learn how to play poker, improve you skill level, and just have a great time meeting new people. There's no cost to playing in this poker league. The basic layout of a Bar Poker League is each registered player plays for points that accumulate each tournament. To play for achievements. The first level is a Diamond Member, then Club, Heart, and our main achievement is the Spades Medallion. The Savage Medallion is the top two in average for bounties. See you at the tables!!!!
Løbergsveien Poker Tour
Postman Poker
Poker every 3rd Thursday (16) total games for points and PMP Championship
Lightmaker UK
Heck yeah
Postal League
Chippers Poker League
Roadhouse Poker League
We are a Free Poker League by Law, We do play for nightly Gift cards to Pokry's Roadhouse & Points to be used at Bi-monthly Tournaments.
Green Thyme
In our team, with offices in Munich and Bernbach not only is the company owner an electrical engineer, but the employees are also highly-qualified engineers or technical translators with master’s degrees. Web portal for: Terminology management, project management, translations in the web browser Collaboration: multiple translators can work on the same document at the same time – for tight deadlines Freely programmable XML import filters for the many different XML file types that are used in the industry see more -
Americans For Constitutional Law Enforcement
Atx Poker
Gurp Maywood
Cape cods poker league
Looking to get a decent league going for the cape. Can't seem to find one around here.
Laboratory Space For Rent In California
Zest Telluride Holdem Tournament
Texas Holdem Tournament start time 7,First Tuesday of every month. $60 buy in for 5000 chips, . $40 add on for 5000 chips , and 1 x $50 rebuy for 5000 chips.
Nice Shorts Poker Tour
First game of the Nice Shorts Poker Tour (much to be confused with the main event - Nice Pants Poker Tour hosted at Ron's). This is really short notice so hopefully we get enough people. Feel free to forward to others (but I will need to cut off at 10). Cards fly at 7pm!
Sunday Funday
New poker league. Bring your own beer. £5 weekly buy in. Winner takes pot. Prizes for season winners and runner up.
Highground Poker Ltague
Lundy Poker
Round Rockin’ Poker
Dead Money Poker
Lachine Republic Poker Tour
$20 buy-ins with $10 rebuys for half the chips OR $30 no rebuys
Joel's Poker League
XNL Poker Tournament
The Poker Pit
Central Wyoming Poker League
Ffm Hold'em
PaiGow Kings
Poet's Corner Poker League
AZ Poker playas
JR's Poker League
Tuesday night weekly poker league at JR's in Arcadia, WI
Hooters Destin
The Poker Boys
They Were SUITED!!!
Friendly 1 table (for now) home league meeting monthly for a seven or eight month season
Thank God it's Friday
Steel city poker league
La ligue a Tipaul
Dan Wood Poker League
Pokerzilla League
Poker Champions League
4 Kings Poker League
Home Games
King of Cards
Eldersburg Poker League
Belmont Ridge poker
Italian Poker Nite
A group of pokerfriends playing poker for fun twice a month
Cards 'n Cigars
Group of friends gathering for a friendly poker game and a fine cigar or two.
Club Martin League
The Black Bull Chelmsford
New Cheap and Best Electric Mobility Scooters in Melbourne Australia
Freedom Mobility, New Mobility Scooters, Electric Mobility Scooters, Cheap mobility scooters and Best mobility Scooter Accessories in Melbourne, Australia.
Summer Savings
The Kent Cocktail Bar Championship
The Kent Cocktail Bar & Lounge Tuesday: 7:30 Start £15 Buy in (2 rebuys before the break) 30,000 chips £10 Add on: 30,000 Chips 1-8 Players - 60% 1st - 40% 2nd 9-15 Players - 50% 1st - 30% 2nd - 20% 3rd 16+ = Top 4
Cash Game Friday
Omalleys Tuesday Night Free Holdem Poker League (Tacoma, WA)
Home game
Lebanon Eagles
River City Poker Club
West Allotment
Ale House Poker Tour
Welcome to Ale House Poker Tour! Exclusive Bar Poker League!!! We Are Based In Reading,PA. We Also Plan To Partner with The Bar Poker Open (BPO) For Direct Qualifiers to This Years BPO In October $100K GTD East Coast Championship In Atlantic City!!!
Santa Barbara Court House
Mobile WSOP League
Tacoma O'malleys Poker
Weekly free poker tournament for anyone who wants to play a friendly game of Texas Hold'em. Win gift certificates and a chance to win the grand prize of a paid trip to Las Vegas for two.
Tenacious Teabag League
Thurday Nights!!
Wisconsin Poker Open
LoKo’s WSOP Poker League
Grinders Poker Houston
Lemhi County Poker League
Howdy, We are trying to get a monthly poker game going at our house from October to May. So we are going to try and go with a league play and see if we can get people to come out and play. Nine seats are available. The buy-in will be $50 for a SEASON buy-in, we will then award 1 point for coming to play, 1st place will be awarded 3 points, 2nd place will be awarded 2 points and third place will get 1 point, at the end of the season at the May 23rd game we will award prizes to the over all point winners, we will be doing first, second and third. Ideally, if we have nine seasonal players, the end of year payout would be $250 to first, $125 to second and $75 to third place. We are open to suggestions and ideas. Let me know how many seats you need. Kevin and I will have two of the seats so there are actually only seven available. Let us know your thoughts and if YOU want to SHUFFLE UP and DEAL! If you know someone who you think would like to play, please forward this to them. The schedule at our house is going to be: October 26th @ 7pm November 16th @ 7pm December 14th @7pm-Ugly Sweater theme January 24th @ 7pm-Kevin's birthday, also a Friday instead of Saturday February 22nd @ 7pm March 21st @ 7pm April 25th @ 7pm May 23rd @ 7pm Please be at the house by 6:45 so we can begin play at 7. Play will be suspended during the months of June, July, August and September.
Poker Gods
The Poker Gods
DPT Glasgow
Oneida poker league
Oneida poker league plays every Monday night, 7pm start time. $45 buy-in with a starting stack of 3,000 in chips. The league plays with a point fund system. Earn points and win cash each week. 100% payout each week. Earn additional points for finishing in the top 10. Earn points each week you play which will accumulate to cash at the end of the season.The league goes 21 weeks which started October 2019. This is our 5th season. Oneida poker league mission: Have some fun, earn a little money, and sharpen your poker skills.
10 week comp
West Park Poker League
Austin Poker Alliance
Fun casual league in Austin for people who enjoy poker.
MATH Poker League
Huckleberry Card League of San Antonio
This is a premiere card league for poker and blackjack players. All of our events are at local bars and clubs right here in San Antonio. The card games are always free and do not have a buy in. You will have opportunities to get extra bonus chips before and during the games. Most all of the games will have a cash prize and some gift prizes. Occasionally, there may be a special event with a large gift only prize. Something like a free TV or trip to Cancun. You will know ahead of time before the event starts. In addition to events where games are held, we will also have events for training clinics and practice sessions for those who would like to learn.
Flush It Poker Tour
Monthly Tournament with cumulative points for a season championship
D-Gen Gambling Co.
Big Baller Poker Stars
Poker League for the Big Ballers.
All In Rounders
Hey guys, Looking to start a brand new league. This would be via Poker Stars home games. My goal is to have daily tournaments Varying anywhere from $10-$30. I would also be making a Facebook group page to keep everyone posted on everything. At the end of the month I plan on doing a monthly tournament consisting of anywhere from $50-$100. Should be a great payout. I will also be keeping a leaderboard and coming up with ideas to get those monthly/yearly leaders another prize. If interested feel free to comment here or via e-mail Figured this would be the best time to start something like this. Thanks guys!
Queen Ten off
Barn Exiles
Exiles in exile still playing online
Sandbar Poker League
cash test league
Poker Stars Positively 5th Street
Clark's Beer League Poker
The Lock Down Classic
The Lock Down Classic
Bombers Poker League
CoronaVirus Poker Championships
RTP poker club
Lake Erie Poker League
Poker Playing Peeps
Dicks Poker
WSOP Fish 2021
Belicoso Cigars Poker League
The Belicoso Poker League
The Blacklist Poker Club
Blacklist Poker Club
An Xbox One poker league now playing prominence poker. This league is for serious poker players and for those who want to up their game. I started this club because I wanted good poker games and a fun time with friends. I was tired of running into bingo players and chasers that Prominence Poker is riddled with. Just because this game’s algorhythm is terrible does not mean we have to take advantage of it. We can instead choose to play well. I would like to clear up what I mean and state it plainly: We do NOT suffer fools lightly here! If you are caught bingo playing (any two cards will do) like calling a big preflop raise with 9 2 off suit, or calling a big raise with k3 suited. We want players with a thirst for great poker games, and players who are trying to improve as well. There are many great people here who would help you if you just ask, if you want to improve this is most definitely the place to do that.
Half Buddha Poker League
Deadwood Poker Club
Hunters Creek Poker
Welcome to the Hunters Creek home league. Players compete for points and cash during a 12 month season.
IACC Poker League
Johannes Poker League (JPL)
Memphis WSOP
12 week hold em league
River Rat
Drama no Penico
815 Poker League
1st Team Poker League
Poker VR Thrones League
Poker VR house of Rebel V House of Fleegal 2 Teams, Unlimited Players.
Doghouse poker league
Team Princess
Decided to run a 10 tournament series with a $275 buy-in and top 3 places after the 10 tournaments receiving a share of the prize pool. 1st place overall will get $2000, 2nd $950, 3rd $375. Players will drop their two lowest scores in calculating the overall winner. In case of a tie the players use the full 10 scores without dropping. If still tied, the tied player/s will face off in winner take all tournament for the guts, glory, and prize.
Points Structure
12th place - 1.0 pts
11th place - 2.5 pts
10th place - 5.0 pts
9th place - 7.5 pts
8th place - 10.0 pts
7th place - 12.5 pts
6th place - 15.0 pts
5th place - 20.0 pts
4th place - 25.0 pts
3rd place - 30.0 pts
2nd place - 40.0 pts
1st place - 50.0 pts
Kings Poker Knight
IACC Texas Hold 'em Poker League
Forsyth Poker Tour
Forsyth County based, Poker League.
Chips Ahoy
Most Secure Crypto Phones
Encrypted PGP Phone Secure Black provides a truly privacy encrypted phone that has a real components kill switch available. Delivering a phone that protects you against eavesdropping physical conversations. The Secure Black encrypted PGP phone is designed to deliver utmost privacy. Ensuring that every conversation is protected against cyber espionage and privacy violations delivering E2E (End-to-End) P2P (Peer to Peer) encrypted conversations. Delivering direct device to device zero-data-access encrypted communication like never before. PGP CryptoPhone It is our duty to deliver you the most secure cryptophone with ultra secrecy features integrated, allowing zero unauthorized third-party applications. Only trusted secure encrypted communication can be used. Giving you the ability to truly communicate securely, end-to-end without a server in the middle that might be the weak link. Using Device to Device connection protocols. Allowing an end-to-end, zero server data crypto communications between two or more cryptophones. Ultra secure cryptophone The secure crypto phones of Secure Black make use of in-house tamper proof and hardened operating systems, PGP and P2P encrypted communications. Protected against physical, data, network, transport, session and application attacks. Allowing you to communicate truly securely with the ultra secure crypto phones available. Protecting your data at any time during any situation, during any conversation. Entirely encrypted, ultra securely. Visit this website -
Ultra Secure Cryptophone
Privacy CryptoPhone Have you ever heard about Secure Black. It’s a known name in the Black Ops world, and now also available for privacy concerning individuals and corporations. They develop highly encrypted military-grade crypto phones with the highest level of security for a decent pricing. Whether you are a James Bond or handling industrial secrets you need an ultra secure cryptophone. It is not if you want, but if you need a phone that protects your secrets and privacy. User-Friendly Crypto Smartphone The Secure Black is a user-friendly crypto smartphone, combining usability with top level security. With various layers of phone encryption located throughout the smartphone we enable the highest level of data security. The Secure Black’s Crypto Smartphone delivers maximum security of communications as all communication is always end-to-end encrypted. With the usability of a normal phone! Most Secure Crypto Phones Secure Black is known for delivering the most secure crypto phones available. With security technologies integrated into the operating system to protect both the software, hardware and components. With technologies integrated to guarantee the protection to identify if there was an attempted disassembly and comes optional with a trigger function to destruct all data during an attack. Delivering the most secure crypto communication without the risk of eavesdropping or tampering. Basically, an ultra cryptophone. Visit this website -
4G LTE IMSI Catcher & Phone Detection
Phone Detection by 4G IMSI Catcher The X-Surveillance X-Sensors are a set of cell phone detection sensors detecting a smartphone within the broad (long-range) wireless spectrum. The X-Sensors set comes standard with WiFi, 2G and 4G detectors. Providing enterprises an additional layer of security with the cell phone detector by discovering, locating and pinpointing mobile devices in (restricted) areas. To protect enterprises against corporate espionage and targeted tampering or theft of well funded intellectual property and latest technologies. Additional layer of Security The Cell Phone Detection of X-Surveillance is an additional layer of security, next to the existing CCTV camera, motion detectors, biometrics and other PIDS security solutions. Increasing the complete visibility in a (restricted) area, detecting all unauthorized wireless/cellular devices and unauthorized persons carrying a wireless/cellular device. The Cellular / Wireless Device Detection Security technology of X-Surveillance provides constant monitoring of wireless/cellular devices. In combination with other security techniques it gives a full spectrum visibility with better situational awareness. Person & Phone Detection Security Restricted areas such as meeting rooms and R&D departments are the most targeted areas to gain valuable information about strategy, customers, financial results, intellectual property, research and new upcoming technologies. Thanks to the X-Sensors Cell Phone Detection Security security staff can remotely detect unauthorized phones and persons, and better enforce no cell-phone policies. Lowering the vulnerabilities of unauthorized personnel access, tailgating or wireless eavesdropping through the RF spectrum. Cellular / Wireless Device Detection Security Combining the X-Sensors with the Advanced Analytics Dashboard is giving remote security operators a better cyber-physical situational awareness. Increasing intrusion prevention security. Visit this website -
King Kong Poker Room
Niagara Poker Syndicate Super Series
Series of Tournaments . The last Saturday of every month 2x points for standings . Every other Saturday 1x Points Season finale super bowl . Top 10 in points play for winner take all grand prize finale
Poker Star Brenzone 21/22
Haarlem Toernooi Poker League
Milan League
VPK 2022
NPS Season 1
Series of Tournaments held Online at clubGGPoker Canadian Currency is in Play Sunday Dec 5th to Sunday Feb 13
Pete's Poker
Colville Poker League
Stober Poker Room
Connie’s Games
Poker League Season 2
Cochise County Poker League
Poker Dona
City Of Dreams Poker
Tournament season series. Monday's at 4pm Season one starts Feb7 - and ends April 25th with final table playoff May 2nd Buy in is 135 for all the Monday tournaments. 70% will be paid out for the winners of the Monday tournament with 30% being withheld for the Final Table Playoff. Each player will receive points based on What position they finish in the weekly tournament. After the 12 weeks the top 9 players in points will play in a Special single table playoff winner take all Playoff match(championship) on May 2nd at 1pm.
CCTX League
League of Extraordinary Players
I love playing poker and love it even more with friends and good people. As we maneuver through this pandemic, I feel it is now time to proceed with this idea for a league of extraordinary friends. This league will hold weekly games on a night tbd. Seasons will run from 8 to 12 to 16 week games--depending on the number of league players with a final table for the top players. All are welcome-- Fun Music BYOB Food
Chasing Fish & Donkeys
Boss Poker
Östermalm Poker League
Blue Collar Poker Tour
Peanuts Poker League
NU Poker
Hemed Poker Club
Wednesday Nights
Gold Diggers
Costa Rica Jack Poker Club
Costa Rica Jack Poker Club is based out of Playas del Coco in the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica. We are a private poker room that gets together fairly often to play some Texas Hold'em tournaments and cash games.
Knute's WSOP Series
Francis W. Parker Poker Club
The Home Poker Series
Walnut Tree Autumn Series 2022
Weeksy's Poker League
Local home game league in Simcoe County.
White Horse
StoneBrook WSOP
Stonebrook WSOP Buy-in league
Poker Club at UCSB
Bush League Poker
Super Poker Power Poker
First Beague
Spartan Poker
Roger’s Crew
After Hours Gambling
City Of Dreams Poker League
Matts Degen League
The Accountants
The Accountants Krs
6in1 Poker League
Kings Arms - Horbury
Carleton County Poker League
Flatiron Meadows Poker League
Casual neighborhood game. Come at 7:00 for light food and beer. Game starts at 8:00 with $20 rebuy option to 10pm when the blinds go up depending at a rate defined by the host. Winner take all.
Monthly tournament
New Inn Bexhill
The New Inn Bexhill Poker league hosted by Lewis Collins every Monday evening at 7pm.
Rockford AceHoles
Pokerfreunde Hamburg
Rockets card room Inc.
Humphrey Card House
Poker 2023
* 14 week league * $40 each night ($20 to nightly / $20 to season) * Optional $10 each.... High Hand and Cracked Aces * Nightly pays top 3 1st- $100 2nd- $70 3rd- $50 * Season Pays 6 places 1st- $1380 2nd- $700 3rd- $400 4th- $300 5th- $200 6th- $100 * Optional Games $10 High Hand.....River has to show to win. $10 Cracked Aces.....No winner it rolls to the next week. If there is a Aces pot remaining after the last event, we will play a All in tournament with the winner taking the remaining pot. **Pay outs are based on 11 players** As always open poker after
Texas Holdem Championship
ThorFi Defi Project: Website Join our Discord: Discord Join us on Twitter (X): Twitter
DandA WSOP 2024
Dam the River Card
Avail the benefit of top-notch outdoor catering services in Ahmedabad with Shagun Catering. We have years of experience in creating memorable events from intimate gatherings to grand celebrations. Our team of over 150 skilled staff members is here to provide the best catering service with perfection. Make your event truly special with us.
Casino DTYD
Welcome to Casino DTYD, where poker enthusiasts and gamers unite to embrace the thrill of destiny on the green felt battlefield. Casino DTYD isn't just a league; it's a journey of high-stakes competition, strategy, and entertainment. Unleash Your Inner Champion: Step into the world of Casino DTYD and dare to face your destiny. Whether you're a seasoned poker pro or a novice looking to hone your skills, Casino DTYD is your platform to showcase your talents, outwit your opponents, and emerge as the ultimate champion. Exceptional Tournaments: Our league is dedicated to hosting exceptional tournaments that cater to a wide range of gaming interests. From Texas Hold'em showdowns to thrilling casino games, Casino DTYD offers a variety of challenges and formats to keep you engaged and entertained. Experience Unforgettable Moments: Every hand you play at Casino DTYD is a chance to create unforgettable moments and craft your own destiny. Our league provides a platform where camaraderie, competition, and excitement come together to forge bonds and make lasting memories. Prizes and Prestige: At Casino DTYD, we recognize and reward talent. Compete not only for cash prizes but also for the prestige and recognition that come with being a Casino DTYD champion. It's more than just winning; it's about etching your name in the annals of gaming history. Join Us and Dare to Your Destiny: Whether you're a casual player looking for some fun or a serious competitor eager to make your mark, Casino DTYD welcomes you with open arms. Dare to your destiny and become part of our vibrant gaming community. Join us in the quest for excitement, excellence, and everlasting memories.
Hava Free Poker
Kava Free Poker Points Tracker
Friday Poker
Lazy Boy Poker Tournament
New Years
Pokerr night
Rumba League
The Wolf League
High Desert Donkey Club
Tokyo Poker Yo!
Poker Night QCB
Poker night FEB-OCTOBER.
Vegas Caliente Poker
Texas Hold'Em Poker
Kassel Freeroll
Scooby's Poker League
"TRO Wroclaw" Poker League
American Legion 2024 League
Weekly poker league at American Legion Yakima Wa. Mon nights starting beginning 04/10/24 at 6pm. Runs for 12 weeks
Stable of Donkeys
OP Social Club
Free bar poker league with our Charity gaming license.
Hornepayne Poker
Creva Poker Club
Explore Jellycat Singapore for the Cuddliest Plush Toys
Jellycat Singapore has a charm of its own. So, if you don’t have time to visit a baby gift store, shop online at Lovingly Signed and get your favorite Jellycat toy delivered right to your doorstep. While preparing your gift hamper at this store, complete the set by adding the velvety soft Jellycat toy. Jump to their website and get your hands on their premium baby items and of course, the Jellycat toy. Jellycat Singapore is worth the hype. Of course, how can you even miss the soft, whimsical nature of this bunny? Its silky fur and cuddly body make it the best hug partner for kids of every age. What we love about this toy is the lovely floppy nature that makes it the best friend for everyone, even adults. So, if your kid wants to hang out during playtime, dive into chuckles during the day, or cuddle during nap time, the Jellycat plush toys are ready for all sorts of help. In a variety of prints, sizes, and colors, choosing the perfect one can be a hard task. Let’s explore the top places for the Jellycat Singapore to enjoy the charm of cuddliest plush toys. As much as we adore the beautiful baby gifts at Lovingly Signed, the Jellycat Singapore at this store melts our hearts instantly. At this baby gift store, you can get various plushies based on their colors and pretty patterns. So, whether you are getting a Jellycat for your baby boy or baby girl, Lovingly Signed has got an amazing character for every baby’s personality. Owning a personalized Jellycat can give babies the comfort of having someone of their own. Shop online at Lovingly Signed for some precious collection of Jellycat toys. Whyzee is another great option to buy a wonderful Jellycat toys collection in Singapore and other lovely little items for your baby. Here, you can purchase gifts for everyone that are visually appealing and are loved dearly by all. Along with plenty of gifts, you can shop for children's birthday cakes, flowers, and gifts and get them delivered to you right at your doorstep. So, visit the website of Whyzee and look at their breathtaking Jellycat and other baby essential collections.
Eric's poker pals
Eric's Friday night game
Liga Zimowa Basement Poker Club
Lake Palestine Poker Group
Tokyo Poker Room
Snap Billiards Poker League
Sunday Poker leagues Runs every Sunday from Nov 3rd -Feb2 with the Finals being held SuperBowl Siunday . players will earn points as well as cash prizes each week with some prize money that will go to the final Sunday . Each Sunday the game will be a different and fun format . Tourney formats will be different each week Click the link or copy and paste to see a full List of tournament formats and how each is played . The league site will be updated weekly and the schedule will be complete soon . Here’s the link to reference for each tournament we will be using.
Baren Open
Chester Poker Club
Poker Stars 2025
Weekly poker sesh
COS Poker League
The New Bay Area Poker Group
Red Barn Gentlemen’s Poker Club
Rakefree Poker in Palisades Park NJ
This is a rakefree home game. But please tip dealers.1/3 No Limit Holdem with bomb pots PLO if people are interested. Ample street parking. Parking after 12am requires overnight pass. Follow the instructions on their website. Need to register onto thepermitportal. Theres local restaurants around. Pizza, Chinese, korean and Centro American food. I can recommend which ones are good. Theres also 7-11 nearby.