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Default Opening Page

    • avatar for Mr. Segan
    • Not sure if anyone really updates their profile on a regular basis. Would it be a good idea to make My Dashboard the Default opening page? (Just trying to avoid an additional click) lol

    • avatar for Jason M
    • Hey Parag, that's really weird... I thought that's what we have going on. When you log in, you should be directed to the site's home page, which is also your dashboard. At least, that's what happens to me. What is the URL that you come in on? Do you use a bookmark? Or perhaps we have a bug that I don't know about... If you have any more info, that would help me track it down. Thanks!

    • avatar for Mr. Segan
    • OK, I just changed my bookmark, PROBLEM SOLVED!

    • avatar for Jason M
    • A-hah. That makes sense! You are still logged in, but going to a different page. If you were to re-login, you would be redirected to your dashboard. I guess our users from "the olden days" will probably run into this problem. Everybody check your bookmarks! :) Just link to!