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PokerSoup Forums > General > Online Poker Merges

Online Poker Merges

    • avatar for AceOfJames
    • Well first it was Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet. They merged into the same network. You can have both installed on your computer but you can only have one running or the other. The user interfaces are different but they run the same tournaments, satellites and freerolls.


      Doyles Room merged into the same network as Cake poker and they are now the same like Absolute and UB are.


      4 separate entities are now two. Our choices are dwindling!

      I mostly play at Poker Stars but thought this was weird!


    • avatar for Tony Gags
    • Just like any business, if you want to compete with the big boys you have to grow. One way to grow is through mergers. Definatly a win for Cake, and now Doylesroom people can play in the U.S. again

    • avatar for FREMONTkyle
    • doyles was never self sufficent anyways they were always on varrying networks
      so this is a good thing for them now that they went from several site on one down too 2 sites