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> Stupid play, weird result.. What would you do
Stupid play, weird result.. What would you do
Posted by
Dave W
2009-02-24 01:19:12
8 people left in a small home tournament. I had just doubled up to get to the average stack of 13,000. I am small blind, everyone folds to me ( so I thought ), I am holding
, big blind has 1000 left with blinds of 400. I push him all in and get a quick call. I instantly FLIP OPEN MY HAND only to find out there is still one other person in the hand ( VERY STUPID!!!). He calls ( interesting play, I think I would pushed all in ) with 6500 behind. Flop
, I check, he checks. Turn
, I now have a nut flush draw with top pair, I bet 2000, he pushes all in for 6500. What would you do ???( besides the obvious banging your head against the wall )
Posted by
2009-02-24 02:21:12
ouch, that's a tough one. He's probably trying to get you off your flush draw so I would think he has you beat up to the turn. Maybe he as 2 pair or trips. Or he could have the straight (9T). Too bad you don't know what the BB has.
You're 3.4K invested into a pot of 1.4K x 3 + 2K + 4.5K= 10.7K. Would cost your another 4.5K for a pot to win 10.7K. So you're pot odds are little over 2:1. (correct me if I'm wrong)
So assuming you're gonna need the flush to take it down, there's 9 spades left. That's 9 outs for 18%. So that's about 4:1.
So pot odds are against you. You've invested 3K of your 13K. I don't think I'd risk another 4.5K. I'd lay it down especially factoring in how fast the BB called (unless of course you think you're being bull-shitted!).
Posted by
2009-02-24 02:44:03
I put this guy on a pair of Jacks, but if I'm due for a bit of luck, I call and hope my hunch is wrong. That's as about as sceintific as I can get.
Posted by
Jason M
2009-02-24 05:17:14
I gotta agree with T. Unless this guy has balls of steal, he has to be ahead and is charging you for the draw. What happened?
Posted by
Dave W
2009-02-24 06:07:42
Tony was right, I only wish I would of followed my instincts and checked it down and folded to a bet, taking my 1K loss for my stupid play. But alas, I'm not as smart in foresight as I am in hindsight. It was weird, I think everyone looking at my hand actually made it harder to fold. I called, he had a set of 7's and I didn't hit my spade. The funny thing was that if I would of noticed he was in the hand I would of folded pre-flop and let him take out the short stack. Lesson learned..... pay attention and never play a hand open, unless of course it's one dollar poker : ))
Posted by
Jason M
2009-02-25 05:26:00
LOL & damn! That would have been pretty nasty if you hit your flush :p