Oh well! I played again yesterday and lasted only 4 hours. I'm leaving Vegas +$70 thanks to two long successful cash game sessions but I didn't enjoy any of the poker, I don't know, it was just one of those weeks where nothing seems to go right.
Yesterday, well I raised or called a lot of preflop raises with AK or AQs but at least 3 more ppl would call and I'd hit nothing and somebody would fire away before me. Or on two ocassions I raised with KK and QQ with one girl calling me and she'd flop a set with a low pair with the exact same bet pattern and I'd fold to her and she'd be like "why do you fold" lol she showed me the set both times (8s and 9s) ugh. There was this crazy hand with blinds 50/100 wow...
I had AK of hearts and I raised to 350. Four people call. The flop is J107 two spades. First guy bets around 1.5k, second guy calls and the third guy raises all-in with about 8k. Ummm ok AK no good. The first guy calls and the second guy puts the first guy all-in (he had about 2k more). Omg???
First guy: J10
Second guy: JJ
Third guy:89
Wow! Turn was a blank and river was another 10. So the second guy got a huge pot eliminating two and we were on the second blind level.
I went down to ~9k with blinds at 200/400/ante i forget and on the button get AJ lol again, of spades. This other girl raises to 925 and I'm sick of folding everything so I decide to call this and play it aggressive because she had like 5k in chips idk why she raised that (she had pocket 5s). But.. SB and BB both call. The flop is
. Blinds check, she checks, I bet 2.5k which leaves me with ~5.5k behind and the small blind goes all-in, he covers me. BB folds, she thinks forever and folds, and I can't let the hand go. He shows
. Sigh. Turn's a blank and river is another 8 lol. Ugh!!!
I felt really bad like nothing was working. oh well... next time