Finding your Level in Online Games
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- Posted by Bhakti 2009-11-01 03:55:42
hi guys,
so i've been playing online from india, you know, trying to earn a living.
usually i play PLO8.
(because i'm in india, 12.5 hours off the US west coast, most of my opponents are from europe or australia)
it's really fun, the europeans can play omaha but they can't play low, and lots of hold'em players want to try it and have no idea what they're doing. (i love when they overplay naked aces.)anyway, i find i'm doing really well at the MTTs, cashing in most of the ones i play, because you can be super patient and really wait for homeruns, and that's the way to play PLO.
i also seem to do really well at the 20 or 22 dollar one table sit-n-go's.
but the lower stake one table SNGs, not so much. the $2, or $5 or $6, or even sometimes $10 or $11 dollar games are not so kind to me.
my best guess is that crazies play at the lower levels, they take stupid chances and sometimes get lucky. at the higher levels, people play correctly, so it's easier to put them on hands and play against them.
i realize this is not a novel observation, but does anyone have any opinions or comments on the matter. is there a level one should be playing at. should one be moving up when one has success at a level, or stay there and take the money and run?
bhakti in india
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