So, my first experience at a home game ever was in the bay area. It was on a dining table and with multiple types of chips for various different poker chip sets. Then a few months later I went to Huggins Poker which I thought was such a big upgrade. There is a TV with the blinds, chips sets, actual poker tables. I thought it was almost like a Casino. Then I got introduced to PokerSoup and all the games/leagues I was a part of. Everyone has great tables, chairs, chips, buttons. Its a Casino like experience.
Today I go to my first "Canadian Home Game Donkfest" Nbody has any idea of how to start a tournament (Chip denominations, how to set up 2 tables, how to set up blinds" ) So, everyone is used to the ONLINE poker structure and want to start with 1500 chips. I convince them to start at 5000 and they tell me that, they don't want to play a deep stack, lol.
So, the compromise for them was 2500 chips and 30 minute rounds. I set up the chips, assign seats, pretty much do everything that a Tournament Director does. I know I am fav by far. On my right there is this really aggressive player. So the tourney starts. The first round is 25-25, lol
My hand is

Limper, I check, BB (Aggresive), makes it 100. Limper folds and I call.

I check, He makes it 200, I call.
I am thinking I GOT THE DONKEY first hand.

I check, He makes it 500 saying that I have he already has a flush and you guys never believe me. I ask him, are you sure? He said yeah. I call.
I almost wanted to Push, but I did not.

I go All In, he says I call.
He shows

Waiting for the Cash Game to start now. So, ridiculous.