Fishers Poker Series

2025-04-21 23:00:00

2025-04-21 23:00:00

2025-04-21 23:00:00

Season 20, Event 4

No-Limit Hold'em Tournament

27 seats at Jeff Ayres' Residence

9935 Niagara Dr., Fishers, IN

  • $55
  • 5000
  • with rebuys
  • with add-ons


$50 buy-in plus $5 for bad beat for total buy-in of $55 (5,000 chips). You will have a maximum of two actions (rebuys or addon) permitted within the first two hours. You are only permitted one addon however. Each action will be $25. If you rebuy you will get 5,000 chips for $25. If you add-on you will get 3,000 chips for $25.

Since this is a rebuy tournament, surrendering your chips in order to rebuy is permitted.

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