The Official Blog

Information, news and announcements about

  1. 2008-03-14 17:49:40

    Site Interruptions

    We're migrating the site to a new hosting provider over the next few days, so there may be some "service interruptions," to use AT&T's lingo. Jason and I will do our best to keep these to a minimum. Everything should be moved by Monday.

    During this time, contact forms will be disabled. Sorry for any inconvenience.

    Update: The migration is finished and went well, hopefully most of you didn't even notice!

    Posted by Ethan at 2008-03-14 17:49:40 | permalink | Discuss (2 comments)

  2. 2008-03-06 07:06:01

    Inline Card Images and Thread Paging

    Jason and I added instructions for how to use the inline card images (, for example) you've been seeing on the site lately. You can find these instructions right under 'Advanced Formatting' on the text formatting cheat sheet on blog and forum post entry pages.

    We also started paging forum threads to make them a bit easier to deal with. Please contact us if you have any problems.

    Update: Now when you add a post it will take you to it, and the "latest post" links work again.

    Posted by Ethan at 2008-03-06 07:06:01 | permalink | Discuss (5 comments)

  3. 2008-03-04 07:51:58

    Images in Blog and Forum Posts

    You can now add images to your blog and forum posts!

    To find out how, scroll to the bottom of the text formatting cheat sheet on either a blog or forum post entry form.

    Posted by Ethan at 2008-03-04 07:51:58 | permalink | Discuss (7 comments)

  4. 2008-02-21 06:13:49

    New Blog List Page and Dashboard Improvements

    We just created a new blog list page, where you can see all the latest blog posts for the entire site, as well as links to every blog on the right-hand side. We also modified the user dashboard page (for those of you that have accounts) to show all the latest forum posts. If you experience any problems or see anything weird, please let us know. Thanks!

    Posted by Jason M at 2008-02-21 06:13:49 | permalink | Discuss (0 comments)

  5. 2008-02-18 03:18:59

    Framework Upgrade

    We upgraded to version 1.0 of the framework we're using to build this site. There should be no problems, and things should be a bit faster. Please contact us if you experience any problems.

    Posted by Ethan at 2008-02-18 03:18:59 | permalink | Discuss (1 comment)

  6. 2008-02-12 06:03:20

    Improved Site Navigation

    Hey everybody, we added a much-needed secondary navigation for the forums and leagues. Our navigation improvement also included a blog and league list page, which you can access from the main navigation.

    We also added the ability of league members to message other members of their league. There should be a link on the user page of a league member that you can message under their name. We are trying to make sure nobody gets spammed, so please let us know if you are :p

    I also forgot to mention that the forum pages now show who has last commented on each forum thread. More forum improvements are coming...

    If you experience any weird behavior, please let us know by sending a message with the contact form. Thanks!

    Posted by Jason M at 2008-02-12 06:03:20 | permalink | Discuss (0 comments)

  7. 2008-02-07 16:59:00

    New General Forums

    If you're in one of a few leagues on the site, you'll have noticed that you have a private league forum. Well, we've now added site-wide general forums for discussing various topics. You'll need a login if you want to post in them, and we're currently looking for people to help us beta test. Contact us here if you want to be part of it.

    Also, we changed the nav around a bit. If you're not logged in, the "dashboard" link that took you to the home page is gone (you can still click on the PokerSoup banner at the top to get to the home page). If you are logged in, you'll see the "dashboard" link again, but it will take you to your home page. There you'll find links to various things of interest, such as recently updated forums, the latest tournament results for your league, and the latest blog entries.

    Posted by Ethan at 2008-02-07 16:59:00 | permalink | Discuss (3 comments)