The Official Blog

Information, news and announcements about

  1. 2008-02-03 20:50:13

    New Functionality for User Accounts

    We've been doing a lot of work behind the scenes lately, but we just deployed two new features that most people with logins will be able to see. If you don't have a log in and want one, just contact us.

    User Pages

    When you log in, your user page should look a bit more spiffy. You can even change your password and add some bio stuff if you want. Don't forget to add your favorite hand just for fun :)


    The Vancouver Poker Tour league is beta testing our private forums, but Nick is the only one who ever logs in, so it's not much of a test. If you are in a league, expect to see private forums for your league soon, and we also hope to deploy a site-wide public forum soon, too.


    We like feedback. Give it.

    Posted by Jason M at 2008-02-03 20:50:13 | permalink | Discuss (3 comments)

  2. 2008-01-18 08:00:53

    Come Get Your Poker Merch

    In response to the plight of the now defunct San Francisco and San Jose Bay Area Poker Meetup Group, we have created some poker merchandise for all of our loyal followers. Proceeds will go to the PokerSoup server costs. We don't really expect to collect enough to run for free, but anything helps ;) ;)

    If you have any cool ideas for other merchandise or designs, contact us.

    Posted by Jason M at 2008-01-18 08:00:53 | permalink | Discuss (2 comments)

  3. 2008-01-14 02:19:58

    Added Atom Feeds

    Each blog now has its own Atom feed, to which you can subscribe using your favorite reader. Atom is the same idea as RSS, but solves a lot of the issues associated with RSS. That said, we'll likely be adding RSS feeds as well, once we deal with some of the said issues.

    Posted by Ethan at 2008-01-14 02:19:58 | permalink | Discuss (0 comments)

  4. 2008-01-11 08:03:09

    First Pass at Blog Entry Comments Finished

    We just finished implementing blog entry comments. Go to your favorite blogger and let them know what you think! We expect to roll out more improvements, but most should be behind the scenes.

    Posted by Jason M at 2008-01-11 08:03:09 | permalink | Discuss (3 comments)

  5. 2008-01-06 01:11:17

    Way Better Wiki In Blogs

    Jason and I added way better wiki for our bloggers to use. You can now use tables, headings, better links, lists, quotes and more. If you go and add or edit a post, you'll see a cheat sheet outlining how to use it.

    Update: there are some inconsistencies in the wiki formatting between browsers. Firefox is looking pretty good, though.

    Update #2: we (hopefully) fixed all the wiki browser inconsistencies.

    Posted by Ethan at 2008-01-06 01:11:17 | permalink | Discuss (0 comments)

  6. 2008-01-02 05:19:08

    Added Blog Pagination

    We added pagination to blogs today. Your blog home pages will now only show the first 7 entries. If you have more than that, links will show up a the bottom of the page that let you go to subsequent pages and see the rest of your entries. Looks like we got there just in time, too, since Nick's blog is getting kind of big, which is exciting.

    Posted by Ethan at 2008-01-02 05:19:08 | permalink | Discuss (0 comments)

  7. 2007-12-23 07:01:14

    Contact Forms Fixed

    We had some problems with the contact forms - the form page told the user the message was sent successfully, when in fact, we didn't receive an email. If you recently tried to contact us but haven't heard from us, please try again :) Sorry!

    Posted by Jason M at 2007-12-23 07:01:14 | permalink | Discuss (0 comments)