Jason's Poker Blog
Jan 13, 2008
San Francisco Poker Meetup Group Busted!
This is my post about the San Francisco Bay Area Poker Meetup Group's end of the season freeroll, which we track results for on
So we're about 30 minutes into playing the freeroll when things get interesting. I started on the button, and I folded my first 6 hands, which consisted of some terrible cards as well as A9 and A7. I decided not to throw away any of my chips since there were some strong players starting with more chips than me. I'm under the gun and see AQs! I raise 3 times the big blind and get five crazy callers :p
The flop is J95 with two diamonds, which doesn't seem so good for me. I'm sure somebody called with AJ or KJ or QT or something. Everybody checks - wow. I tell the dealer to give me a deuce and he does, but it's a diamond, so that's too bad. Everybody checks again, so I start to think I could be good, but probably not. I call for another 2, and he rips it right off the top. Everybody is checking around because they are afraid of my psychic abilities, and then we hear a knocking on the door.
Somebody jokingly said only the cops knock like that. Well, they were right. A grip of policeman come in with their guns drawn. Wowser.
They took pictures of all the players at the tables, all the rooms, the chips, the cards, the dogs - everything. They made us sit with our hands on the table and finally put the guns away. Somebody tried to take a drink of their beer, and was told there would be time for that later. That was good news at the time.
By the way, I was hoping to bust out early so I could go catch the Packers playoff game. The Packers were already down 14-0 when I left for the freeroll. I don't know why they have to start it out like that, but as I'm writing this, they are up 42-20. I think I gave it away with my cheese head hat that I borrowed from my roommate, so they let me be the last one to be interviewed. While we were waiting to be interviewed, one of the officers told us how stupid we were for playing at a place like that with open invitations on the internet, as thugs would be happy to come by with "big guns" and relieve us of our money.
About thirty minutes later I finally get interviewed. They asked a bunch of questions about how long I've been on Meetup, how long I've played with the group, what my email address and username for Meetup was, if I'd ever won, if I'd ever done a rebuy, who I thought paid the rent and utilities, if cheating was suspected, what other locations I've played at, and probably some more that I can't remember. My interviewer did make it clear that "all of us guys play poker" and they weren't targeting the players. Yay for that.
On the way out they took yet another portrait of me with my name on a note card under my chin. I guess that's so they can cross-reference my name with my interviewer to get any extra needed information later. Crazy. The guy walking me out to the street told me to be a little more careful about where I play in the future. He said they don't have any problems with poker, but as players we should be a bit more careful. He said it's not illegal to play a home game, regardless of the buy-in, but when people are "raking the pot, skimming off the top, and defrauding the players like what's going on here, it's not good." That's some pretty heavy stuff :/ It should be interesting to hear about how this all ends up, as most people were under the impression that everything with the group was complete legal and above the board.
That's about it. I just wanted to get everything out so people could satisfy some of their curiosity.
Oh, and by the way, we all flipped over our hands while we were waiting and I had the best hand!
Update: Here is my wrap-up post on this situation.