The Official Blog
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2008-12-23 02:45:14
Image Uploading
You can now upload images and link them in forums and blog posts! You should see the link on your dashboard. We'll be adding some more awesomeness too, like one-click inserting in to forum/blog posts.
This is also the new way to upload an avatar: first upload the image you want, then click the "assign as avatar" button.
Let us know what you think in the comments.
2008-12-10 07:44:10
New Dashboard and Profile Pages
Ever notice how your dashboard/profile page had a bunch of stuff on it that was kinda hard to find? Well, your problems are hopefully (mostly) solved. We've changed the dashboard to be a lot clearer, and it loads faster, too.
We've also introduced the concept of separate "dashboard" and "profile" pages. Your dashboard page is now located at the site's home page and contains many of the important links you'll need to get around and see what's happening on the site forums, blogs, and leagues. The profile page resides at the URL that the dashboard pages used to be, and just shows the general information that everybody could see when they came to your profile/dashboard page in the past.
As usual, please let us know if you run into any problems or have any other suggestions. Thanks!
2008-11-16 21:01:10
Better Thumbnails
I just updated our thumbnailing code today, so avatars in your dashboad, threads, and blog comments should look about a bajillion times better. Also, any thumbnails in blog posts (like Brent's poker table post) look way better too. All the jagged edges should be gone.
2008-11-10 07:54:29
Tip: Removing Users from a Poker League
As a player, you can now remove yourself from a league. Access your league management page from your dashboard and click the "Cancel my Membership" link to remove yourself from the league.
As a league manager, you can remove players from your group by going to the "players" page and click the "remove" link under the "Administration" heading.
When you are removed from a league, you will no longer get tournament invites or have access to the league's forums. If the league is private, you will not be able to access any of the league pages. Your tournament results and statistics will still be tracked in the league, although they will not show up on your dashboard page.
Let us know if you run into anything strange. Thanks!
2008-10-28 03:58:43
New Text Formatting Engine
Third time's the charm, we hope!
Jason and I finished transitioning to the third version of our text formatting engine. This one is leaner and meaner, with simpler markup and no annoying bugs like not creating new blocks of text when you go to a new line (grrr, that one pissed me off). So no more double backslashes to break lines! Also, cards are way easier to enter. You use the same card string as before, but just wrap it in a pair of {} characters, and you're done!
Hope you like it. Comment here or in the site feedback forum if you have problems/suggestions. You can find the new guide on it below the thread and blog entry forms.
2008-10-07 05:41:31
The Widening
Does something look...bigger?
PokerSoup is now based on a 960 width. We would like to formally apologize to the 1.82% of you that are still using an 800x600 screen resolution.
Moving right along, the rest of you will benefit since we'll have more space to work with. I hope you like what we have in store :)
2008-10-03 05:58:37
More Avatars!
You can now upload your own avatars! Just click the "Edit public profile" link on your dashboard and upload whatever you want. We'll crop it to a square image, so make sure what you want is in the center. Woo hoo!