Poker Tips

Poker Tips

  1. 2013-03-28 10:03:35

    Hand Reading in Poker

    When the super heroes all gather around Spiderman?s house for their Friday night game of poker, there is always one person who fails to make the list. Poor old Superman is stuck with Friday night TV as the rest of the guy?s battle it out for pot after pot. It?s not that they don?t like Superman. In fact, they think he???s a nice guy, but he does have x-ray vision.

    If you could see what hand your opponent was holding then you would win all of the money. But normal human beings are not blessed like the man from Krypton. But the understanding that Superman would win most of the money, if he could see the other persons hand, it one worth examining in deeper detail, and this is where hand reading skills come into play.

    Poker is a game of incomplete information. The job of the poker player is to acknowledge the pieces of information that are available to him, and then by using his skill and experience, fill in the missing pieces. The better you become at this art, the closer to the red and blue cape you become.

    A lot of beginners don?t understand how to hand read. They spend their time trying to identify their opponent?s particular holding, instead of widening their perspective. In poker, it?s not the exact hand that you are after (although that would be nice); instead it?s the range of hands an opponent is holding that is most important, especially in Betfair Poker Live Prague events.

    Starting pre flop, each time your opponent makes a play, ask yourself what possible hands could he be holding to make him want to act in that way. Then as each street progresses remove or include hands that make even more sense.

    By the time you reach the river, you should have a pretty good handle on the type of hands your opponent is holding. This is the process of great hand reading.

    Read more about the professional poker circuit on the Betfair WSOP website.

    Posted by KCasey at 2013-03-28 10:03:35

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