Poker Tips

Poker Tips

  1. 2012-10-30 11:49:03

    Shutting Down in Poker

    There are a myriad of reasons why people choose to play cash games instead of tournaments, and one of them is the ability to leave the game at anytime.

    This is something that you cannot do in a tournament and why cash games hold such an instant gratification sort of appeal.

    So, why is it so difficult to leave?

    It is true that the ability to leave a cash game whenever you like is paradoxical. Imagine you are ahead in the game; you have won more money than you imagined, so it makes sense to leave.

    Your only problem is that you have not been playing long and, if you leave, people will think badly of you because you haven???t given them the opportunity to win their money back.

    Conversely, when you have lost a ton of cash, you also find it very difficult to leave the game because you want to win the money back.

    So, what should you do?

    There is an etiquette that should be observed in poker; after all, you would not want somebody taking your money and running.

    What you can do is shutdown and play sensible and solid poker for the next few hours. Keep away from the high variance spots with a view of taking home a sizeable profit.

    Players may notice and frown at your behaviour, but at least you are still in the game. Another tip is to always give your opponents sufficient warning that you are leaving.

    This could be one or two hours or even just an orbit or two, but whatever you do, do not just get up and leave in a heartbeat.

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    Posted by KCasey at 2012-10-30 11:49:03

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