JR's Poker League

Tuesday night weekly poker league at JR's in Arcadia, WI

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Location: JR's Arcadia WI
Number of players: 77
Tournaments tracked: 331 (view all)

Leader Board for Series "Winter 2025"

Rank Player Name Points Games Extra Stats
1 CobraJim 39 18

2 RogerF 34 14

3 Rollie 32.5 17

4 ScottR 23.5 13

4 DanJ 23.5 12

4 BillCyert 23.5 13

7 Carl S 9.5 5

8 Jeff.H 8 6

9 LarryC 7 3

10 Eloise 5.5 5

11 Tray/T 5 1

12 Mark.Lund 2.5 2

13 MattEnglerth 2 1

14 NoraB 1 1

14 FrancisP 1 1

14 BradM 1 2

17 WillT 0.5 1

17 TrevorVR 0.5 1

17 TommyR 0.5 1

17 MarkEn 0.5 1

17 JustinK 0.5 1