Welcome to PokerSoup.com
PokerSoup.com is a free poker resource made by players who love poker for players who love poker.
We offer the following features:
- Leagues - create and host your own home league, schedule games, invite users, and keep track of the results
- Blogs - create a blog
- Forums - discuss all things poker and more in our forums
We are adding new stuff all the time, so check back often, let us know when things aren't working, and, of course, keep playing poker!
If you have any questions or are interested in tracking results for your home group, or starting a blog, please use the feedback form located at the bottom right of your browser.
Site Information, News, and Announcements
2020-11-16 17:20:56
We're back! Now featuring 0 certificate errors!
Sorry for the recent SSL issues everyone. Jason and I have things patched up with a slicker, more secure, and more maintainable setup. Thanks for sticking with us!
Posted by Ethan at 2020-11-16 17:20:56 | permalink | Discuss (0 comments)
2017-08-31 16:14:54
Want a blog? Let us know!
Sadly, in an effort to keep the spam down, we've removed the ability for people to create a blog on their own. Too many BS posts about gold sneakers and long term elder care.
If you'd like a blog, just message us using the Feedback link at the bottom right. Tell us who you are and what you'd like to blog about. You don't have to write about poker all the time, but keep it related to the theme of this site. And no mentions of Florida vacation destinations, please.
Posted by Ethan at 2017-08-31 16:14:54 | permalink | Discuss (0 comments)
2016-07-08 00:59:38
SSL Everywhere
An awesome benefit of our recent migration is that Pokersoup now uses SSL everywhere, throughout the whole site. This means all of your interactions and browsing on pokersoup are encrypted can't be viewed by a 3rd party (at least, not without a whole lot of effort. Hi NSA!).
We're using free, simple, and highly recommended certificates provided by Let's Encrypt, whose mission is to get every website to use SSL all the time. A mission Jason and I completely support.
Posted by Ethan at 2016-07-08 00:59:38 | permalink | Discuss (0 comments)
2016-07-06 00:46:35
Migration Complete!
Pokersoup.com is now running on a fresh new server! This brings to an end our old server hosted at Rackspace Cloud that had been running since 2008. It served us and you well: at one point the server had an uptime of over 3 years, and the server process itself had been running for over 1 year without restarting. Pretty good!
Unfortunately, Rackspace mandated that we migrate this old beast to their new architecture, and it wasn't going well. Faced with a fresh server build, we decided it was time to say bye to Rackspace for good.
Now we're moving on to a fresh new setup with Linode. We're running a modern Linux distro with SSD disks, Xeon E5 processors, and quadruple the RAM of the previous system.
Oh, and it's half the price of Rackspace. Suck it, Rackspace.
Jason and I have done a lot of testing, but we're hoping to hear from our users if anything goes wrong. Just hit that feedback link in the lower-right and let us know if you're having problems!
Posted by Ethan at 2016-07-06 00:46:35 | permalink | Discuss (0 comments)
2012-02-01 17:25:24
Sorry about the Downtime
We were migrating our servers...
Posted by Jason M at 2012-02-01 17:25:24 | permalink | Discuss (0 comments)
2011-11-16 06:37:01
Hello Facebook Comments, Goodbye Forums
In an effort to improve the experience of our users, we have set up Facebook commenting on all of the PokerSoup.com blog posts. This will allow everybody to comment on the site and also easily share comments on Facebook. Additionally, it will virtually remove all spam from the blog post comments.
Another recent change to the site is the closing of the site-wide "Talk" section of the site (a.k.a. our forums). The volume of forum posts has reduced to the point that spam posts outnumber non-spam posts and it doesn't seem worthwhile to moderate this section of PokerSoup.com any more. We are currently not going to make any changes to the league-specific forums.
We would like to hear your feedback on these changes!
Please comment on this post or send us feedback using the red feedback box at the bottom-right of your browser. If you are logged in when you leave the feedback, we will be able to send you an email.
Posted by Jason M at 2011-11-16 06:37:01 | permalink | Discuss (0 comments)
2010-10-09 22:48:21
Welcome to the new PokerSoup
It's been a long time coming, but we've finally deployed PokerSoup 2.0!
What's New?
- Tournament RSVP page overhaul
- Feedback form on the bottom-right of every page
- Consistent color scheme and 2-column layout
- Contextual second tier navigation now appears in the right column
What's the Same?
- All poker blogs, forums, and league hosting still exist (and look better!)
- Everything is still free
- We were able to keep the old logo Phil made for us (thanks, dude!)
What's Next?
- Fix any bugs
- Review feedback and make updates
- Nicer looking HTML emails
- Make improvements to our Blind Structure Calculator
- Feature enhancements
Posted by Jason M at 2010-10-09 22:48:21 | permalink | Discuss (9 comments)
Latest Blog Entries
- Timeline of the San Mateo County Poker League by Phil on 2018-04-06 14:55:07
- Weekly Home Cash Game Elk Gove Florin & Calvine by Winternova22 on 2014-10-18 13:46:00
- Opening Hand by adub79 on 2014-01-23 20:28:10
- What The Next Few Months Holds by Nick L on 2013-11-18 19:27:30
- Season 6 Final by Nemo on 2013-10-28 16:30:56
- The Most Successful Poker Players Around by KCasey on 2013-09-30 12:48:30
- Online Poker Website Research by kalli on 2013-06-24 21:35:40
- Pot Odds in Poker by KCasey on 2013-05-28 10:15:13
- Table Selection in Poker by KCasey on 2013-05-23 09:38:16
- Three Types of Tournament Play by KCasey on 2013-05-22 13:32:02
Top Blogs
- Pokercrat
- POKERadical
- Nick Lane Talks Poker
- The Grind
- Poker Ponderings of a Chip-Magnet
- Impaired?
- Decision Making in Life and Poker
- The Art of the Cards
- WeezerMoo
- The Quest
- Nitpicker
- K
- The Little Black Book
- Ballard's Poker Table Corner
- City50 smacks you
- Poker Master
- Poker is Life
- A Donkey's View
- Freerolls info
- Poker: A Nuance Skill
- low STAKES grind
- Gold Rush Buddies
- San Antonio Poker Games
- Kung Fu Poker Club
- Struggles with Bankroll Management
- Sneaky's Bar & Grill Poker League
- The Chase for Supernova Elite
- Pocket Ducks In The Hole
- Blog Rookie Makes first Blog
- Poker Tips
- Catch of the day
- Poker News
- Knockout Gaming
- Grad Student Online Poker Research Blog
- NPT Updates
- The Chip Stack of Life
- South Sacramento No-Limit Poker Cash Game
- Wynners Poker Lounge: Best Poker Night Games
Top Home Leagues
- The San Francisco and San Jose Bay Area Poker Meetup Group
- The Poker Nazi's Game
- Vancouver Poker Tour
- Huggins Poker
- Milpitas Area Poker Group
- PokaPowa Donkey Club
- EastBay_PSOUP_Faction
- 3rd Saturday - Cherry Hill
- Gold Rush Buddies
- Mountan View Poker
- Coachella Valley Poker Superstars
- Huck Finn River
- Caps Poker League
- ACT poker
- Stac Series Of POker
- Elwood Poker League
- La Ligue des 3 AS
- Northern Michigan Poker League
- D3 League
- StraightUp
- Bull Park Poker League
- Liverpool Poker League
- PtakPokerParlor
- Pine City Hall Monthly Game
- Morrison Casino Resort and Spa
- Lenny's Garage
- Palm Valley Community Center
- FAD Poker League
- Rick's House Poker Nights
- Do or Die League
- Provo Donks
- Faux's thursday homies
- NW Sin City Poker League
- poker tuesday
- Kayaking Poker League
- 2010 WSOP Satellite Tournaments
- Jammer Time
- Chesterfield Poker Players
- know when 2 foldem
- Baltoi Poker Tour
- Ycarlos Home Game
- damionkline's league
- Jack Deuce is the Nuts
- Harrisburg Poker League
- Gator Blood Poker Club
- WNC Poker
- Elie
- KT Hotel Casino
- G Spot Poker League
- bid_ raise_fold_poker
- Kung Fu Poker Club
- Triple B Poker
- helensburgh
- kens home league
- Pokerclub Showdown
- hgfg
- Copperwood Poker Tour
- Holdem
- Friday Night
- Nevada Ladie's Poker Leauge
- Southwest poker league
- TNC Tuesday League
- IPP Pavia
- Etapa Series of Poker
- Smokin Aces Poker Tour
- The Super Sunday League
- Summer 2010
- Wednesday Night Poker League
- Utah County Poker Championships
- Full Throttle
- Kerry's Southern County League
- my league
- Tunica
- Poker Masters Club
- Eagon Poker League
- The Fountain
- Monday Night Amvets
- Sneaky's Poker
- Taber Poker Tour II
- firstclasspoker
- Rackem Holdem
- WSOP Any Two Card Poker League
- Zippomann's Poker League
- POker Sikor
- PlanetHoldem
- 5 Tells Poker League
- another test
- United Nations
- Nice People's Poker Club
- Time4Poker
- St Clements WMC Poker League
- Humboldt Poker League
- AZ Five Star Poker League
- League
- The Good The Bad and The Ugly Poker League
- Donkfest
- Tacoma Donkfest
- Champaign IL
- UGA Poker Tour
- BIG M Poker Social Club
- Dueces Wild
- Corinth Wed. Night Poker
- St. John's Home Game
- ISPC Satellite
- Hmong
- Rubber City Poker Club
- E
- Shock's East Valley Poker League
- Conos Poker Room
- Club Pokeristi Anonimi
- The Nelson Tinpot Pokerface League
- bobbie poker tournament
- Cajun Poker
- Tailgaters Poker League - Gilbert, AZ
- Dave's Cash Game in Redwood City
- Lightning Strikes Poker
- Qroom
- Prinlaws Sunday League
- Prinlaws Thursday League
- Fife Series Of Poker
- Pipe Dream Posse
- Guido??s House Poker Tournament
- alibi's poker league
- Snooker Club
- Cartes Club des Acadien
- august free roll
- Rojam
- TC Poker Tour
- The Okies League
- Glenrothes Snooker Club
- Charlotte Poker Club
- Joker Poker
- Doc Holliday's Poker Challenge
- South East Championship Poker
- Xmas Poker Tour
- Tapera do Bugio Series Of Poker
- NOCO Poker
- BIPA 2013
- Bluebell Poker League
- Mottram/Singer Poker League
- The Road To Genting
- League Awesome
- East Valley Poker League
- TNPL St Anne's Rock Ferry
- 1850 Classic
- BayLeafsPoker
- Jayrays poker league
- WSOP Farm League
- Lucky Break
- Mountain Donk Poker Crew
- Hawts Poker League
- Gamblers Anonymous
- Logan boys
- GamblersAnonymous
- The Fish Bowl
- TeamUSA
- Lincoln park home poker league
- Poker League of Champions
- Ryde Social Club Poker League
- Big Poppa's Poker League
- High Elite Rolling Poker Extreme S*T*A*R*S
- Winchester Poker League
- Sunday Special
- Bell st Poker
- 2013/14 1st Annual Poker Douchery
- Brig Tavern Friday Night Poker
- Poker Friends
- The Yanks
- the yankys
- Off-Suit Poker-Club
- Kwaj Poker Nuts
- Poker Liga 2013/2014
- WSP $300 buy in
- Kings Of Poker K.O.P.
- Poker Miami
- Woooo hooooo tang
- Old School Poker Tour
- Royal British Legion,
- Beth Shalom
- Mountain Donk Poker League
- The Thursday Night Game
- 5th Street Poker League
- Primetime Poker Philadelphia
- Trofeo del Mazapegul
- Torneio CAP - 2014
- Fishers Poker Series
- Heritage Poker League
- Proper Gangster Tripping Poker League
- Footscray Poker League
- balon
- poke her on Sunday
- Richmen
- Poker Nazi's
- Pit club poker league
- Pit Club Poker League 2014 (test season)
- Good Luck All-In Poker League
- Nice Pants Poker Tour
- Chorley Pro
- Liga UTG PokerKlub 3?? EDI????O (clicka para ver a geral)
- Hillagio
- Sleepy Hour Poker Club
- Summer London League
- The Drivers League
- HullPokerLeague
- Women's Poker League
- Kings Club Poker League
- MSU Poker Club
- Dempster House League
- Cape Cod Poker Club
- Cape Cod Poker Club+
- The Clc poker League
- First Street Card Club
- #SeganPro
- Home Poker Series
- Uncle Vinces' Poker League
- South Sacramento Texas Holdem No Limit Cash Game
- The Voyager Poker League
- Poker Lounge
- World Series
- Pearland TGIF Tuesday Night Texas Holdem Poker
- MNF League
- 4??LIGA UTG 2014
- ManCave Poker League
- AdirodackCoastPokerClub
- HammerSeries2015
- Intense Poker
- Red Kings
- Volta Redonda Holdem
- Hunter's Creek Hold'em
- G??nie M??canique
- Friday Night Poker
- The Board
- Tmobile
- Cancelled
- Poker In The Front
- Scofflaw Poker
- ChitownEvanstoners
- CMBboys
- Garage Poker Murphy Canyon
- Tuesday Night Poker Club
- Piranha Poker Team
- Monday Night Poker
- FT Pokerers
- Raleigh Urban Poker League
- AceKillers Poker League
- Blaack'$ Road 2 WSOP
- Southfields Poker
- poker people
- Hollow Mens
- G
- 007 Poker
- Nevelot
- Dog and bone!
- sstll
- oni
- A6 Hands
- New Poker Group
- Poker At Mun
- Paim Home League
- I-480 Poker Tour
- Snap Call Entertainment
- The Lodge CG 2016
- Plaza de Solaza Sommarpoker Deepstack
- Åsapoker
- madnight
- B W - Poker League
- Super Secret Poker League
- tuesday poker league 2016
- Poker Knights
- All In Poker League
- Løbergsveien Poker Tour
- Glendowie
- Postman Poker
- Lightmaker UK
- Heck yeah
- korosh
- Postal League
- Chippers Poker League
- Roadhouse Poker League
- Green Thyme
- memoq
- Leopoker
- Americans For Constitutional Law Enforcement
- Atx Poker
- Gurp Maywood
- Cape cods poker league
- sleasvalens
- Laboratory Space For Rent In California
- Zest Telluride Holdem Tournament
- Nice Shorts Poker Tour
- Sunday Funday
- Dizzlespoker
- Highground Poker Ltague
- Lundy Poker
- Round Rockin’ Poker
- Dead Money Poker
- Lachine Republic Poker Tour
- Joel's Poker League
- Testing-KoC
- JJ's
- KDickyPoker
- nn
- XNL Poker Tournament
- The Poker Pit
- Central Wyoming Poker League
- Ffm Hold'em
- PaiGow Kings
- Poet's Corner Poker League
- AZ Poker playas
- JR's Poker League
- Hooters Destin
- The Poker Boys
- They Were SUITED!!!
- Thank God it's Friday
- Steel city poker league
- La ligue a Tipaul
- 123
- Dan Wood Poker League
- Pokerzilla League
- Poker Champions League
- 4 Kings Poker League
- Home Games
- King of Cards
- Eldersburg Poker League
- Belmont Ridge poker
- Italian Poker Nite
- Cards 'n Cigars
- Club Martin League
- The Black Bull Chelmsford
- PureChicken
- New Cheap and Best Electric Mobility Scooters in Melbourne Australia
- Summer Savings
- The Kent Cocktail Bar Championship
- Cash Game Friday
- Omalleys Tuesday Night Free Holdem Poker League (Tacoma, WA)
- Home game
- Lebanon Eagles
- River City Poker Club
- Dewalt
- West Allotment
- Ale House Poker Tour
- Bach
- Santa Barbara Court House
- Mobile WSOP League
- Tacoma O'malleys Poker
- Tenacious Teabag League
- Thurday Nights!!
- Wisconsin Poker Open
- LoKo’s WSOP Poker League
- Grinders Poker Houston
- Lemhi County Poker League
- Poker Gods
- JouyPokerTour
- The Poker Gods
- DPT Glasgow
- Oneida poker league
- Hhggff
- PokerMohan
- GundamPoker
- 10 week comp
- Tc
- West Park Poker League
- Austin Poker Alliance
- MATH Poker League
- Huckleberry Card League of San Antonio
- Flush It Poker Tour
- D-Gen Gambling Co.
- Big Baller Poker Stars
- All In Rounders
- LP OGs
- Queen Ten off
- Barn Exiles
- Sandbar Poker League
- cash test league
- PokerStars
- Poker Stars Positively 5th Street
- Clark's Beer League Poker
- The Lock Down Classic
- Bombers Poker League
- CoronaVirus Poker Championships
- RTP poker club
- Lake Erie Poker League
- Castor
- Poker Playing Peeps
- Leagueleague
- Dicks Poker
- WSOP Fish 2021
- Belicoso Cigars Poker League
- The Blacklist Poker Club
- Blacklist Poker Club
- ApexPoker
- Half Buddha Poker League
- Deadwood Poker Club
- Hunters Creek Poker
- IACC Poker League
- LigaMajstrov
- Johannes Poker League (JPL)
- Memphis WSOP
- 12 week hold em league
- River Rat
- Drama no Penico
- 815 Poker League
- 1st Team Poker League
- Poker VR Thrones League
- Doghouse poker league
- Team Princess
- Kings Poker Knight
- IACC Texas Hold 'em Poker League
- Tijuana POKERJLA
- Forsyth Poker Tour
- Chips Ahoy
- Most Secure Crypto Phones
- Ultra Secure Cryptophone
- 4G LTE IMSI Catcher & Phone Detection
- King Kong Poker Room
- Spinners
- Niagara Poker Syndicate Super Series
- Poker Star Brenzone 21/22
- Haarlem Toernooi Poker League
- Milan League
- VPK 2022
- NPS Season 1
- Pete's Poker
- Colville Poker League
- Stober Poker Room
- Connie’s Games
- Poker League Season 2
- Cochise County Poker League
- Poker Dona
- City Of Dreams Poker
- Magnoliowa
- CCTX League
- League of Extraordinary Players
- Chasing Fish & Donkeys
- Boss Poker
- Östermalm Poker League
- Blue Collar Poker Tour
- Peanuts Poker League
- NU Poker
- Hemed Poker Club
- Wednesday Nights
- Gold Diggers
- Costa Rica Jack Poker Club
- Knute's WSOP Series
- Francis W. Parker Poker Club
- The Home Poker Series
- Walnut Tree Autumn Series 2022
- Weeksy's Poker League
- White Horse
- StoneBrook WSOP
- Poker Club at UCSB
- Bush League Poker
- Super Poker Power Poker
- First Beague
- Spartan Poker
- S1
- Roger’s Crew
- After Hours Gambling
- City Of Dreams Poker League
- Matts Degen League
- The Accountants
- The Accountants Krs
- 6in1 Poker League
- Yup
- Kings Arms - Horbury
- Carleton County Poker League
- Flatiron Meadows Poker League
- Spaded&Jaded
- New Inn Bexhill
- Rockford AceHoles
- Pokerfreunde Hamburg
- Rockets card room Inc.
- Humphrey Card House
- Poker 2023
- Texas Holdem Championship
- dmanschipandachairpoker
- ThorFreeplay
- DandA WSOP 2024
- Pempelforters
- Dam the River Card
- Shagun
- Casino DTYD
- Hava Free Poker
- Friday Poker
- Johnny’s
- Lazy Boy Poker Tournament
- New Years
- Pokerr night
- Rumba League
- The Wolf League
- High Desert Donkey Club
- Tokyo Poker Yo!
- Poker Night QCB
- Vegas Caliente Poker
- Kassel Freeroll
- zretyhj
- Scooby's Poker League
- "TRO Wroclaw" Poker League
- American Legion 2024 League
- Stable of Donkeys
- OP Social Club
- Hornepayne Poker
- Creva Poker Club
- Explore Jellycat Singapore for the Cuddliest Plush Toys
- markenowens
- LeadNear
- Eric's poker pals
- Liga Zimowa Basement Poker Club
- Lake Palestine Poker Group
- Tokyo Poker Room
- Test123
- Snap Billiards Poker League
- Baren Open
- Chester Poker Club
- Poker Stars 2025
- COS Poker League
- The New Bay Area Poker Group
- Red Barn Gentlemen’s Poker Club
- Rakefree Poker in Palisades Park NJ
- Senator